Comenius 2009-2011 Europe:Transition from Traditional to Modern Society


13 Ekim 2010 Çarşamba



Students and parents are informed about the future project by e-mail and asked to think of ideas to include in the project and places to visit. The teachers who are at school explore the Internet for more examples of good practice of school projects.

Informative activities:
Teachers present the Comenius programme and the programme of the project to the students, parents and the other teachers from the school. A short announcement is being made at the opening day of the new school year.
At the schools which have a Student council, it is being informed and asked for opinion, suggestions and collaboration in the popularization of the project. Parents are also informed and asked for opinion, suggestions and collaboration at the parents’ meeting.
Information is being published on the web-sites of the schools and in the school magazine or newspaper at the schools which have one. Informative materials (posters and leaflets) of the Comenius programme are distributed at schools.

Selection of the participants for the project:
Each school selects the students and teachers who are willing to take part in the project through questionnaires, motivational letters or other means.
A Facebook group of the project is being created and students, teachers and parents of all partners and beyond them are being invited to join it and discuss the project.

Organization of a logo competition of the project:
At each school a logo competition takes place. The best images from each country are being uploaded in the Internet and through on-line voting the logo is being selected.

Preparation for the first organizational meeting:
The teachers and students who are going to take part in the project prepare the questions and propositions which they would like to raise at the first organizational meeting. Professionals in the educational sphere and more experienced project teachers are also consulted for opinion.

Spain makes the necessary preparations for the future meeting.

Preparatory meeting of the teachers and students who are going to work on the project: Teachers and students discuss the project. They share their own ideas and methods and raise details which they would like to clarify. They make comments on the programme for the first teachers’ and students’ meeting.

Analysis of the teachers’ meeting. Teachers at each school analyze the ideas and the decisions which have been made at the teachers’ meeting and discuss their practical application in their own school.

Preparation for the first students’ meeting starts. Students start collecting information about their countries, by concentrating on the traditional society.

Students continue searching for information in books and on the Internet. They classify the information into several topics in the spheres of Art, Lifestyle and Social relations in the period.

Students make PowerPoint presentations, photos and paper materials (such as posters, leaflets, drawings), reflecting on the information about each aspect. Where possible they collect items which illustrate this period and which to bring to the future meeting.
A blog or a web-site of the project is being made.

Netherlands makes the necessary arrangements about the future meeting.

Meeting of students and teachers dedicated on the “Traditional society” – students present the materials about the traditional society in their countries as well as some background historical information about the period, followed by work in small groups about comparison and discussion on the presentations. Some of the problems which were too complicated to prepare in advance are being prepared on the spot by students reading together texts about the other countries and summarizing them. Pictures and short video films with the working process of students are being made during the meeting. Students make collages and different posters together dedicated on the topic. Parents are asked for assistance for the proper organization of the meeting. Representatives of the Local Municipality and active NGOs are being invited to attend the meeting. Then students pay a visit to a historical place which illustrates the presentations. At the end students fill in questionnaires about the meeting. Teachers and students gather to talk and draw conclusions for the rhythm of work till the next meeting and the next meeting itself. The representatives who have attended the meeting are asked to share their opinion and give recommendations for the programme from now on. Publications in the media about the meeting are being made.

The students who have taken part in the meeting make a brief presentation about the work they have done to the other students at their school and discuss their impressions from the other countries and the topic. Representatives of other schools, NGOs are being invited at this presentation.
The results from the evaluation questionnaires are being summarized and discussed on the Internet.

A Wall of the project is being made at each school. This wall is put on a public display at the schools, so that all the students from the schools can see it and follow the development of the project. Articles are being made in the schools which have a magazine or a newspaper. Photos and new information is being published in the Facebook group and on the web-site/blog. Discussions about the project in the Facebook group are being provoked. Students summarize the information which has been presented at the meeting and order it in a text variant, ready for printing. They include also photos and order them. Leaflets of the project are being printed.

Teachers update the plan of work until the next meeting based on the feedback they have received. They think of their methods of carrying out the project – the preparation of the students for the meetings, the meetings themselves and the local activities. They also discuss the means of dissemination and popularization of the project which each partner has applied and discuss the exchange ideas how to give more publicity to it.

Students visit museums and other historical places in connection with the project and discuss them in the Facebook group by exchanging pictures, etc. The teachers who are at school consult their colleagues who have already carried out successful projects in Comenius.

Preparation for the next meeting: Students start collecting information about their countries, this time by concentrating on the modern society. They consult different Internet sources and On-line libraries as well as pay visits to the local or national libraries.

Students continue searching for information and also look for photo albums describing the modern period in their countries. They classify the information into concrete topics.

Students make PowerPoint presentations and posters reflecting on the information about each aspect. Where possible they collect items which illustrate this period and which to bring to the meeting.
Teachers start discussing the methods of work and the programme of the next meeting. They identify which approaches from the previous meeting were adequate and which were negatively received by students.
The Netherlands update the questionnaire. The programme of the next meetings is finally clarified.
Austria makes the necessary preparations for the future meeting.

Meeting between students and teachers, dedicated on the “Modern Society” – students present the materials about the modern society in their countries as well as some background historical information about it, followed by work in small groups on tasks, concerning the presentations. Some of the problems which were too complicated to prepare in advance are being prepared on the spot by students reading together texts about the other countries and summarizing them. Pictures and short video films with the working process of students are being made during the meetings. Students make collages and different posters dedicated on the topic. Parents are asked for assistance for the proper organization of the meeting. Representatives of the Local Municipality and active NGOs are being invited to attend the meeting and are being asked for evaluation. At the end students fill in questionnaires about the meeting. Teachers and students draw conclusions about the rhythm of work till the next meeting and the next meeting itself. Publications in the media about the meeting are being made.

The students who have taken part in the meeting make a brief presentation about the work they have done to the other students at their school and discuss their impressions from the other countries and the topic. Representatives of other schools are being invited to attend the presentation.
New materials are being put at the Wall of the project at each school. Articles are being made in the schools which have a magazine or a newspaper. Photos and new information is being published in the Facebook group and on the web-site/blog. Discussions about the project in the Facebook group are being provoked.
The results from the questionnaire are being summarized and discussed by the partners.
The results from the evaluation questionnaires are being summarized and discussed on the Internet.

Preparation for the last meeting: Students collect information about their countries, this time by concentrating on the reasons which have caused the transition and prepare the materials they would like to include in the final book and the CD and prepare ideas for its general design. Parents are asked for assistance and ideas about the book. Teachers update the plan of work until the next meeting based on the feedback they have received.

Italy makes the necessary preparations for the future meeting.

Final meeting on the project. Students present the discoveries they have made about the reasons for the transitions in their countries. They compare and discuss them. Afterwards, they summarize this information and focus on the future book which is going to be published. They bring the materials they have until the moment and decide on its structure and look. Pictures and short video films with the working process of students are being made during the meetings. Publications in the media about the meeting are being made.

Final comments about the book are being made. Final changes in the materials are being made. The book is being prepared for publishing. A preliminary copy of the materials is being provided to experts in the educational sphere as well as to students, not acquainted with the project in order to be tested. Final corrections are being made on basis of their opinion and the book is being published. Parents are asked for assistance for the publishing, if necessary.

A CD with information, pictures and short films about the project is being made.
Students from the whole project in their own country make an overall presentation of the work on the project. Representatives of other schools, active NGOs, the National agencies, the Local Municipality and the media are being invited. Copies of the book and the CD are being distributed among them.
Publications on the Internet, on the common web-site/blog and in the media are being made.
Consultations with the National agency are being made about common dissemination activities of the project. Interactive maps of the researches done by the students will be presented in town exhibitions and in other schools.

Students are being asked about their overall impression from the project. Conclusions are being drawn and plans for future projects are being made. External evaluation about the book and about the project is being required from the ones who have received a copy of the final products.
A report of the whole project is published on the etwinning platform, on the schools’ websites and on the common blog/web-site.

End of the project.

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