Comenius 2009-2011 Europe:Transition from Traditional to Modern Society


29 Ekim 2010 Cuma

Europe: Transition from Traditional to Modern Society

Partner schools
Spain: IES Santa Rosa de Lima, Córdoba;
Turkey: Kdz Ereğli Anadolu Lisesi;
Romania: Şcoala cu cls. I-VIII nr. 7 Buzău;
Austria: Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium Wiener Neustadt;
Italy: Liceo Scientifico Statale “Galileo Galilei”, Potenza;
Netherlands: Herbert Vissers College, Nieuw-Vennep

Title: Europe: Transition from Traditional to Modern Society

Research project, especially relevant to subjects like History and History of Culture

Integrated into the subject’s curriculum, so no added (home)work pressure.

Lasts two school years, 2009-2011

Fully subsidised
The exchanges

School year 2009-2010
November 2009: Preparatory meeting in Spain.
April 2010: Presenting the results of the first year’s research in Holland

School year 2010-2011
November 2010: Presenting the results of the second year’s research in Austria.
April 2011: Final meeting in Italy.
The project expectations

*to make students aware of the world beyond the classroom

*to introduce students to different cultures

*to make lessons more interesting and more relevant

*to give students a motivational boost

Aims to:

Improve and increase the connections between European Member states.

To encourage language learning, innovative ICT-based content, services and better teaching techniques and practices

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